Latest projects

genOway is one of the 13 participants in the TO_AITION project, entitled:
"A high-dimensional approach for unwinding immune-metabolic causes of cardiovascular disease-depression multimorbidities."
genOway will be in charge of designing and developing three genetically modified mouse models – one conditional Knockin and two conditional Knockouts, with the following objectives:
- Determine the role of ATP citrate lyase in the development of atherosclerosis/cardiovascular disease-depression multimorbidity in animal models
- Characterization of novel causal mechanisms of atherosclerosis/cardiovascular disease-depression comultimorbidity
For all project details please consult:

genOway is one of four participants in the European project ANTILAPSE (part of Eurostars), entitled:
"Combating cancer patient relapse and treatment resistance: Development of the first drug to prevent cancer-cell DNA mutagenesis."