
Experience the intersection of innovation and reliability in our suite of published works: Explore breakthrough case studies, gain insights from commentaries, and discover the prestige of scientific articles and posters.

Case studies

Explore journeys of innovation, where our solutions have driven breakthroughs in diverse research domains, stories that underscore the versatility and reliability of our models.

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These commentaries serve as beacons of knowledge, offering a nuanced perspective on the cutting-edge developments that define genOway's scientific environment. A collection of insightful thoughts that provide a deep dive into the latest trends, challenges, and advancements in the fields of genetic engineering, biomedical research, and beyond.

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Scientific articles

genOway proudly stands at the forefront of scientific advancements, with a prestigious list of clients whose research using our models has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. These publications bear testimony to the reliability, versatility, and impact of our solutions.

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