Rat model generation

Advance your innovative research with predictive rat models, one step closer to human physiology.

Thanks to breakthroughs in genome editing technologies, genetically modified rat models are now widely reconsidered for target validation, and the study and modeling of human diseases.

Customized rat models are ideal tools for identifying new lead compounds, and testing the pharmacodynamics and toxicity of potential therapeutics, the reason why they are widely used in medical research fields, including, but not limited to:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Aging
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Genetic diseases
  • Transplantation
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Infectious diseases
  • Cancer
  • Wound and bone healing

A pioneer in rat cloning with a long-term history in genetically engineered rat model creation, genOway offers fully integrated and cost-effective services suitable to academic institutions, biotech and pharma companies.

We ensure reliable and reproducible performance in many rat strains, including, but not limited to:

  • Inbred: Brown Norway, Fischer 344, Lewis, etc.
  • Outbred: Wistar, Long-Evans, Sprague Dawley, etc.

Remember Ralph?

Ralph - The world's first cloned rat

At genOway, in partnership with the National Institute of Agronomic INRA, we produced the world's first cloned rat, which we named Ralph [Zhou et al., Science, 2003].Since then, we are heavily investing in research collaboration aiming at improving the creation of genetically modified rat models.

Important milestones in our rat history


Generation of immunodeficient rats with Rag1 and Il2rg gene deletions and human tissue grafting models [Ménoret et al., 2018]


Targeted sequence insertion in rats with CRISPR/Cas9 and TALE nucleases [Renaud et al., 2016]


Routine generation of Knockout and point mutation rat models using the CRISPR/Cas9 system
Numerous R&D projects for generating Knockin rat models


Gene targeting in rats using Cas9 and TALEN engineered proteins [Ménoret et al., 2015]


Gene targeting in rats using TALE nucleases [Remy et al., 2014]


Immunodeficient rats engineered by meganucleases [Menoret et al., 2013]


Two book chapters in Rat Genomics on practical guidelines for RNAi working in rats [Petit et al., 2010], and on somatic cell nuclear transfer in rats [Cozzi et al., 2010]


SME member and reference partner for rat ES cell line evaluation of the Sixth European Framework Program EURATools (European Rat Tools for Functional Genomics), exploring the genetic basis of rat disease characteristics and improving rat models for study of common human diseases


Book chapter in Transgenesis Techniques on pronuclear DNA injection in rats [Cozzi et al., 2009]


Review on “Use of genetically modified rat models for translational medicine” [Cozzi J et al., 2008]


Leading member of the ActivRat R&D project aiming at improving the efficacy of the cloning procedure in rats


Provider of rat models for human diseases (ENU technology–chemically induced mutagenesis), in collaboration with the Hubrecht Institute, The Netherlands


Review on “Transgenic modifications of the rat genome” [Tesson et al., 2005]


Generation of the world’s first cloned rat, in partnership with the National Institute of Agronomic INRA [Zhou et al., Science, 2003]


Initiation of genetic rat services, in collaboration with the French Institute of Health and Medical Research INSERM

Our services for

Rat model generation

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Customized rat

Point mutation KI rats

Use a point mutation rat Knockin to circumvent complex phenotypes arising from complete Knockouts (e.g., signaling pathway problems, cross-reactivity).

Customized rat

Quick KI rats

The Rosa26 and Hprt gene loci are well suited for gene over-expression, reduced development time and cost with ready-to-use targeting vectors.

Customized rat

Constitutive KO rats

Use a constitutive Knockout rat to permanently inactivate your target gene; in the whole animal, in every cell of the organism, effective at all stages of development, from the one-cell embryo stage through adulthood.

Customized rat

Tissue-specific KO rats

Use  tissue- or cell-specific conditional Knockout rat models to bypass embryonic lethality,  compensatory mechanisms, complex phenotypes, etc.

Customized rat

Time-dependent KO rats

Use an inducible conditional Knockout rat to age-dependently inactivate your gene, and to enable studies at defined development stages or on age-related diseases.

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