Humanized mice (HIS/human immune system)

Address human-specific questions in a more relevant manner, facilitating translational research in several biomedical disciplines and approaches.


Immunodeficient humanized mouse models offer new opportunities to address human-specific questions in a more relevant manner, facilitating translational research in several biomedical disciplines and approaches.

Our BRGSF mice are excellent recipients for human hematopoietic cells. We routinely generate BRGSF-HIS (humanized for the immune system) mice, using human CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells.

The BRGSF-HIS mice contain all major human hematopoietic cell subsets, such as B cells, T cells (including CD4+ Treg cells), NK cells, and the myeloid compartment including dendritic cells (DCs), plasmacytoid cells (pDCs) and monocytes/macrophages.


The BRGSF-A2-HIS model is generated by inserting an human leukocyte antigen serotype A2 (HLA-A2) class I transgene in the genome of BRGSF (BALB/c Rag2tm1Fwa Il2rgtm1Cgn SirpaNOD Flt3tm1lrl) mice, and subsequently reconstituted with a functional human immune system (HIS).

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Humanized mice (HIS/human immune system)

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BRGSF-HIS mice possess the most functional reconstituted human immune system currently on the market and are highly relevant for translational research.



BRGSF-A2-HIS mice possess the most functional reconstituted human immune system. HLA molecules on thymic epithelial cells hinder T-cell cross-reactivity.


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