Immunodeficient rodents

Explore our immunodeficient models, featuring cutting-edge strains like BRGSF mouse and SDRG rat.

Where scientific innovation meets practical application

Our state-of-the-art immunodeficient models are designed to provide the most accurate and reliable results for your research needs. They are the result of our commitment to scientific excellence and innovation, offering unparalleled opportunities for the study of human tumor xenografts, immune system research, and more.

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Immunodeficient rodents

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genO-Btk rat

genO-Btk Knockout rat to study B-cell malignancies, aberrant B-cell responses, Btk inhibitors for treatments of hematologic cancers or autoimmune diseases.



Compared to NOD-SCID and NSG, the genO‑BRGSF mouse represents the most adapted animal model to study and predict human immune responses in vivo.



The immunodeficient SDRG rat model is a double Knockout for Rag1 and IL-2Rγ genes (Rag1-/- Il2rγ-/-), resulting in a B, T, and NK cell deficiency.


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