Applications of the genO‑HSA/hFcRn-RAG1KO mouse model
Useful applications for researchers working on different biomedical fields, such as immuno-oncology and autoimmunity:
- Assess the efficacy of optimized therapeutics such as Fc-engineered antibodies, constructs fused to HSA, HSA- and/or FcRn-binding proteins or small molecules in a human tumor model, while avoiding the development of anti-drug antibodies (ADA)
- Assess pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) features, including biodistribution and binding affinity
- Screen compounds based on extended half-life
- Murine Rag1 is invalidated, resulting in deficient T- and B-cell development
- Efficient tumor growth upon injection of human cancer cells
- Physiological HSA and hFcRn expression profile and regulation
- Higher physiological affinity of human serum albumin for human FcRn
- No expression of the murine target genes